The Twin Falls Kiwanis Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service since 1998. Every member of the Kiwanis Club of Twin Falls is a member of the Foundation.
The Foundation’s objective is to provide a fund to which donors can donate memorial gifts and bequests. The Foundation is empowered to provide funds to other organizations to help meet community needs, emphasizing youth service.
Endowment funds have been established to fund scholarships for Key Clubbers. Only the earnings may be expended from these funds, leaving the principal untouched. Endowment funds may be restricted or unrestricted. The 23-24 goal is to fund $3,000 in scholarships. As of August 31, 2020, the foundation’s assets totaled $32,764.57.
For additional information about the foundation, contact us
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VENMO: @kiwanistwinfalls